Littman Library of Jewish Civilization

Jewish Cultural Studies

Edited by Simon J. Bronner

The Jewish Cultural Studies series offers a contemporary view of Jewish culture as it has been constructed, symbolized, produced, communicated, and consumed around the globe. More than a series on Jewish ideas, it uncovers ideas of being Jewish.

In documenting and interpreting the diverse ways in which Jews express themselves as Jews–in custom, festival, narrative, art, architecture, music, dance, dress, performance, language, and food–the series contributes to a greater understanding of the dimensions of Jewish identity as perceived by Jews and non-Jews. It comments on the societies in which Jews live, and the tapestry of life formed from cultural exchange, conflict, and integration. It explores the cultural dimensions of homeland and diaspora, assimilation and separation, in Jewish experience and belief. As an inquiry into cultural identities and expressions, it also considers the range of institutions that represent and respond to Jewishness, including museums, the media, agencies, synagogues, and schools.

With its wide-ranging, interdisciplinary focus, the Jewish Cultural Studies series offers an innovative forum in Jewish studies. It covers the cultural practices of secular Jews as well as of religious Jews of all persuasions, and from historical as well as contemporary perspectives. While drawing especially on perspectives from folklore, anthropology, history, the humanities, and sociology, contributions from other disciplines are welcome so long as they are cutting edge and widely accessible.

Each volume also includes the winners of the Raphael Patai Prize for articles on Jewish culture.

Published by the Littman Library of Jewish Civilization for the Jewish Section of the American Folklore Society.

Author/Editor Title
Bronner, Simon J. Jewish Cultural Studies, Volume 1:
Jewishness: Expression, Identity, and Representation
Bronner, Simon J. Jewish Cultural Studies, Volume 2:
Jews at Home: The Domestication of Identity
Bronner, Simon J. Jewish Cultural Studies, Volume 3:
Revisioning Ritual: Jewish Traditions in Transition
Bronner, Simon J. Jewish Cultural Studies, Volume 4:
Framing Jewish Culture: Boundaries and Representations
Lehman, Marjorie; Kanarek, Jane; and Bronner, Simon J. Jewish Cultural Studies, Volume 5:
Mothers in the Jewish Cultural Imagination
Bronner, Simon J.; Battegay, Caspar; Lieber, Andrea Jewish Cultural Studies, Volume 6:
Connected Jews: Expressions of Community in Analogue and Digital Culture


About the editor


Advisory board


Raphael Patai Prize in Jewish Folklore and Ethnology
Call for submissions