April 2017 | |
Lehman, Marjorie; Kanarek, Jane; and Bronner, Simon J. | Jewish Cultural Studies, Volume 5: Mothers in the Jewish Cultural Imagination |
May 2017 | |
Rodov, Ilia; Offenberg, Sara; and Rajner, Mirjam | Ars Judaica, Volume 13 |
Waxman, Chaim I. | Social Change and Halakhic Evolution in American Orthodoxy |
August 2017 | |
Rapoport-Albert, Ada | Hasidic Studies Essays in History and Gender |
October 2017 | |
November 2017 | |
Adler, Eliyana; Polonsky, Antony | Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, Volume 30 Jewish Education in Eastern Europe |
January 2018 | |
Oron, Michal | Rabbi, Mystic, or Impostor? The Eighteenth-Century Ba’al Shem of London |
Seidman, Naomi | Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement A Revolution in the Name of Tradition |
March 2018 | |
Yaniv, Bracha | Ceremonial Synagogue Textiles, from Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Italian Communities |
April 2018 | |
Wollaston, Isabel | Jewish Religious Responses to the Holocaust |
June 2018 | |
Gerber, Jane | Cities of Splendour in the Shaping of Sephardi History |
Loewenthal, Naftali | Hasidism Beyond Modernity Essays in Habad Thought and History |
Yaniv, Bracha | The Carved Wooden Torah Arks of Eastern Europe |
July 2018 | |
Aleksiun, Natalia | Conscious History Polish Jewish Historians before the Holocaust |
Castaño, Javier; Fishman, Talya; Kanarfogel, Ephraim | Regional Identities and Cultures of Medieval Jews |
Weissman, Susan | Final Judgment and the Dead in Medieval Jewish Thought |
August 2018 | |
September 2018 | |
Rosman, Moshe | Thinking about Polish Jewish History |
Soloveitchik, Haym | Rupture and Reconstruction The Transformation of Modern Orthodoxy |
October 2018 | |
Bronner, Simon J.; Battegay, Caspar; Lieber, Andrea | Jewish Cultural Studies, Volume 6: Connected Jews: Expressions of Community in Analogue and Digital Culture |
Tsur, Yaron | Jews in Muslim Lands, 1750-1830, Volume 1 |
November 2018 | |
Guesnet, François; Lupovich, Howard; Polonsky, Antony | Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, Volume 31 Poland and Hungary: Jewish Realities Compared |
January 2019 | |
Kellner, Menachem; Diamond, James A. | Maimonides in Contemporary Jewish Thought |
Kimelman, Reuven | The Rhetoric of Jewish Prayer A Literary and Historical Commentary on the Prayerbook |
February 2019 | |
Wiskind-Elper, Ora | Hasidic Commentary on the Torah |
March 2019 | |
Zohar, Zvi | Sephardic Perspectives on Conversion to Judaism |
April 2019 | |
Freud-Kandel, Miri | Louis Jacobs A Jewish Theology or the Theology of a Jew? |
Kellner, Menachem; Gillis, David | The Universalist Horizons of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah |
Soloveitchik, Haym | Collected Essays, Volume 3 |
June 2019 | |
Feldmann Kaye, Miriam | Jewish Theology in a Postmodern Age |
November 2019 | |
Guesnet, François; Matis, Benjamin; Polonsky, Antony | Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, Volume 32 Jews in Polish Musical Life |
August 2020 | |
Webber, Jonathan Schwarz, Chris | Traces of Memory The Ruins of Jewish Civilization in Polish Galicia |
September 2020 | |
Rapoport-Albert, Ada | Female Bodies, Male Souls Asceticism and Gender in the Jewish Tradition |
October 2020 | |
Soloveitchik, Haym | The Jewish Wine Trade and the Origins of Jewish Moneylending Principles and Pressures |
November 2020 | |
Guesnet, François; Polonsky, Antony; Rapoport-Albert, Ada; Wodziński, Marcin | Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, Volume 33 Jewish Religious Life in Poland since 1750 |
December 2020 | |
Webber, Jonathan | Time, Memory, and Historical Consciousness in the Jewish Tradition |
February 2021 | |
Kimelman, Reuven | The Mystical Meaning of Lekha Dodi and Kabbalat Shabbat |
June 2021 | |
Nadler, Allan | Rabbis, Rebbes, and Rebels The Polemics of East European Jewish Thought in the Modern Period |
Schonfield, Jeremy | Why Jews Pray |
September 2021 | |
Bacon, Gershon | Religion and Politics, Society and Gender Re-imagining Polish Jewry in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries |
Frank, Tibor | The Jew as Hungarian Patriot Mór Wahrmann, 1831-1892 |
Tsur, Yaron | Jews in Muslim Lands, 1750-1830, Volume 2 |
October 2021 | |
Dunner, Pini | Rebel Rabbi The Life and Controversies of Joseph Shapotshnick |
December 2021 | |
Stampfer, Shaul | So Many A Demographic History of East European Jews |